Tuesday 14 September 2010

Mis En Scene

facial expression and body language

  • facial expressions provide a clear indicator of how someone is feeling
  • if someone is smiling broadly, we assume they are happy but we may get a different feeling if this is accompanied by scary music.
  • body language may also indicate how a character feels towards another character or may reflect the state of their relationship.
positioning of characters and objects within a frame
  • postioning within a frame can draw attention to an important character/object
  • a film-maker can use postioning to indicate relationships between people.
Costume simply refers to the clothes that characters wear. Using certain colors or designs, costumes in narrative cinema are used to signify characters or to make clear distinctions between characters.

    the break up (picture): the seperation is exaggerated by the split in the sofa, which stands out by the colour if it (bright creme). The body position is very closed an self centred (her legs are crossed, facing away from her partner). Not only that but they both have a window positioned behind them. it's the feeling that things aren't shared in the relationship.

    • colour carries certain connotations which may add meaning o the scene (ie red= danger/passion)
    • can give a scene a particular look, feel or mood.
    • can be used for dramatic effect

    lighting and colour
    • to highlight important charcters or objects within the frame
    • to make characters look mysterious by shading sections of the face or body.
    • to reflect a characters mental state/hidden emotions (i.e. bright= happy, dar= disturbed, strobe effect= confused)

    Monday 13 September 2010

    our charcter (jack,shaun and tom)

    height-5 ft 11
    likes-bloody murder, make up (a lot)

    here we have a lonely, insecure, partially insane young teenage girl, who attends an all girls school. The absence of male influence only exaserbates her insanity. She wears a lot of make up, trying to hide her pent up anger, again due to the absence of the male influence. She has been used and abused greatly, which confuses her desire for passionate connection. Her thoughts soon lead to a mental whirlpool where she plunges down and down into the darkness of her imagination. She begins to think of new ways to express her urges (violence).

    character profile-captain jack sparrow

    Hi guys, my name is captain jack sparrow. I am a male creation of disney, but am not animated. I live with no one and sail the seven seas as a lone wolf. I am witty, funny and fairly intelligent when i want to be, although my friends treat me like an imbesile. when i say friends, i mean two regulars who i treat like dirt. I'm always getting myself into trouble through my lust for gold and other such treasures. Elizabeth believes my love for rum numbs my intelligence, but i know it fuels my wit and keeps me light on my feet. My appearance may look stupid to many of you, but i know the ladies love it.

    Thursday 9 September 2010

    opening 2 minutes of a feature film (american beauty, Jerry maguire)

    • AMERICAN BEAUTY-at first we hear a narration by leister. he reveals detail about his current life, including the blandness of it. he lives in a large house with a regular wife. it seems as though he's living the american dream, but we all know through his narration that this isn't the case. his highlight of the day is 'jerking off', which proves how boring his lifestyle is. His daughter is stressful and confused, which is two characteristics which Leister thinks will sustain over a long period. His line of thought has really set an uninteresting tone for the rest of the film.
    • JERRY MAGUIRE- jerry seems very quick, witty, confident and almost cocky. But it seems that in his line of work these are the best attributes to succeed. He cares for many athletes, taking over 250 calls a day. It would seem as though he's looking out for them, but i think his priorities lie mainly on how much he has in the bank. He realises this when the young child asks for an autograph and the athlete says "i only sign the blue cards". Lately his confident nature hasn't been benefiting him as well as he would like. His clients are becoming harder to manage and he knows it.
    • comparison- The obvious difference between the two is the drive factor. Jerry has a lot to live for and gives a great deal of enthusiasm. I think Leister sees past the basic attractions in life e.g money. Technically he posesses many things that can bring joy to his life, but he has a higher line of thought. Jerry on the other hand enjoys takes advantage of all things good in his life.
    OPEN DOORS (KEN)- Ken is a very jolly land lord. He performs very pathetic, miniscule jobs, but his pride is retained as he sings in the clip. His frame of mind seems to be very mature and all knowing, although it's not needed so urgently in his line of work e.g, He poors cheap brandy into expensive bottles. This wit will benefit financially and i'm sure his intelligence will in other ways later on in the film.


    LONDON TO BRIGHTON- the scene started very awkwardly, as there was no build up in tension. It was in and odd place, which fits the state very well. Both of the characters have no stable ground. they leech around, finding money wherever possible. It seems that the younger girl doesn't deserve this lifestyle or can even handle it emotionally. This makes me think that she wasn't born into it. The elder girl has a swollen eye, which shows that she hasn't just been emotionally toughened, but mentally also.

    THE GRADUATE-the first scene is very boring. This is reflected in the camera angles and colours, which all may add up to give you an idea of his current lifestyle. His suit is clean cut and his face is motionless, which to him may be attractive, but we all know that this can be matched to how he feels inside.

    NAPOLEAN DYNAMITE- very uniquely, introductions for people involved in the film were written on food, paper, pencils etc. I find this to be a very clever and original idea, although it's a little odd. This may foreshadow things to come.

    Tuesday 7 September 2010

    hi i'm jack and welcome to my blog!

    media lesson 1 and 2

    In lesson one i learnt how to create a blog and customize it. I couldn't actually get past the signing in stage,  due to no memory of the password or availability to change it. when seeing some year 13 blogs i realised i could be creative in editing my own.

    Lesson two was more interesting. we were taught 'Mis en scene' and all the components of it, which was put to good use when viewing two small clips of film later on. when i found out that the set and backgound was just as important as the actors performance i gained a whole new perspective on films.