Sunday 3 April 2011

audience feedback

  •  "actors were good. Performance didn't look fake at all! logo was good and had relevance."
  • "good range of movement, shots follow him then turn into being stationary. Great use of stopping music in the market to add effect. Could have been more innovative in the way you move from location to location"
  • "good use of camera angles although the music seemed a bit fast for the pace of editing. I like the change of colour in the last shot. Overall it's pretty interesting though."
  • "really cool! I like the man in the suit with no face as it draws in the audience. good editing with a range of shot angles. Music also seems to fit the genre of the film that you're going for. So good, i wish it was a real film!"
  • "used a great range of camera shots which really help to create a sense of mystery. The use of the black and white effect was working well with the effect you were trying to get across, and the way that you fitted in the titles worked well with piece."
  • "like the camera shots used-especially the one from above and the graffiti shots. Ending was interesting and also quite funny as well."
  • "I liked the idea with the creepy man as it was something different. The reflection in the mirror was also effective + I liked the scene at the end walking through the deserted market."
  • " The mise-en-scene is used well e.g. the low key lighting fits well with the music and storyline."
  • "I would have kept it all black and white. Spinning in the market was awesome. Good shots with holly and the man walking under."
  • "some excellent shots. Use of black and white with location works very well. The last few shots make it seem a bit like a trailer rather than an opening. An excellent piece of work though! would love to see more."
  • Really good shots & editing.  Black & white mise-en-scene is very effective with the character contrasting with the background. Very good, well done!"

I have read these criticisms thoroughly and agree to the accuracy of the vast majority. It seems that the black & white effect was rather popular as well as the range of shots. In concern of the ending making the piece seem like i trailor, i had done this purposely as explained in the video, the next sequence of shots after the opening reveal a different perspective on William's life and so i thought it would be fitting to place in a split, so the audience would clarify a contrast.  Overall, I'm very pleased with the reactions!

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