Saturday 30 April 2011

Who would be the audience for your media product?

After seeing the completed product, i find it harder to outline a specific target audience for my media product, as i believe it varies slightly. If i were to create a focus group, they would ideally be aged from 16 to 30 and of middle class.  This isn't my choice simply due to that fact that the highest proportion of cinema goers are within this group, but because of the taste this specified group would tend towards.

The younger proportion of this group would hopefully find the piece popular, as the main character 'William' is of similar age, and so they can relate and connect more intimately. A disadvantage may be that there's more 'Psychology' than 'Thriller', causing less focus and induced boredom. But that's the fine line you have to balance on when making a psychological thriller.

Alternatively, the older proportion would be more attracted to the thought provoking factors of the film as, bearing in mind their social class, they would thrive in media products which challenge their intelligence. The art-house influences, such as the black & white mise-en-scene should be a popular attraction also. But again, the disadvantage would depend on the equilibrium of 'Thriller' and 'Psychology'.

Ideally, they would have an interest in films of a similar genre, such as 'Donnie Darko, memento and Shutter Island'. Independent, Art house films are seen when they have the time, although it is easier for them to attend the local city cinema to view more mainstream films. This is why i have chosen this sort of audience, as they enjoy both the art-house and mainstream style, which is what i have tried to converge in my piece.

here is an example of the ideal audience member: 'Brad is 22. He enjoys his social life, spending much time with his mates e.g. hitting the pubs, clubs or other social recreations. But in his spare time he likes to take part in more intellectual activities, such as reading or watching psychological thrillers.'

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