Tuesday 26 April 2011

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?


To form my research, i studied information on various websites such as YouTube and Wikipedia. I focused more on the facts and advice in concern of filming technique, as i wanted to be prepared with a larger range of filming skills before i actually got the camera rolling. YouTube was used predominantly as i find it far easier to learn practical skills through a visual image medium. This website not only helped with research on filming technique, but also editing technique and strategies. Many step by step videos are available, which make using the editing software seem highly user friendly. I have to admit, i frequently alternated between my editing software and this savior of a website.


I had filmed my main piece using a Canon HF M306 HD camcorder. Holding shots steady on static shots was far from taxing, due to the help of my trusty ole tripod. However, moving shots posed a challenge as they took a lot more effort to keep steady, while holding the camera. Next time, i would probably bring a bike when shooting as i would imagine it makes moving shots a whole lot smoother. certain shots were made in manual focus e.g. The mirror shot, as wanted certain material elements to appear more in focus, but on more wide shots e.g. The pathway shot, autofocus was used to create a more natural picture. I was quite lucky in that i was using a Micro SD camcorder, as opposed to DV tape, because the quality of picture would have been noticebly worse using DV. In that respect, i am very happy with the quality of footage i have captured.


 I used Final Cut Express as my editing software, as owning a Mac made using this program very convenient. I could have used IMovie as it came stock with the computer, but final cut seemed so much more appealing and, although i didn't use many of its facilities, i took full advantage of the ones that posed beneficial to my idea. Perhaps if i had used specific effects such as the 'Unbleached processing effect', which was discovered after completion, the clips would have looked more washed out and hyper-real. This process was used in films such as 'Se7en" and 'Saving Private Ryan' and gives the film more of a rawer, edgy look. After realising the vast amount of tools and facilities this software uses, I've decided that i would gladly use it again in future projects.

                    Both Facebook and Blogger, predominantly Blogger, have allowed me to share my ideas, display my progression and give others the opportunity to comment and criticize. Blogger has made coursework far less strenuous as it saves writing information down on paper (which can be lost) and instead, provides a reliable and readily accessible network.

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